Warframe Hack - Lite
Inf. Run Speed - (you can always run with max speed, your stamina will not decrease)
Inf. Ammo - (shoot all you want, bullets never go down)
InstaKill - (charge your blade, everytime you start charging your blade you do an aoe in front of you that instakill anything(game objects included), the damage is dealt before the blade slash recharged. Kill bosses with one hit, even the ones with shield.)
1Hit Kill - (every enemy you shot will die, expect game objects(fans, tanks))
Inf. Shield - (you simply refuse to die, altho you can die from MASSIVE explosions)
Inf. Alerts - (now you can do how many runs on the same alert as you want. When that alert time reaches 0 you cant do it anymore. USE WITH EXTREM CARE, more then 4 runs in same event can get you BANNED. Once turned ON, you cant turn it OFF, you dont need to.).
Materials Drop - (now you can choose how much of materials you pick up from the ground. (ex: ferrite-999, morphics-124, neural sensors- 300, etc...) this doesn't include mods or blueprints)
Affinity Orbs - (same as materials drops, you input a value and you will pick that value, affinity doesn't increase weapons experience, no matter what warframe wiki say, it only increase your warframe experience, weapons experience are increased by using them, not from picking up affinity orbs. The value that appear on your screen will always be 100, for safety reasons, but the real ammount is the one you input in the box)
Energy Orbs - (same as affinity orbs, you input the value you want to get from each orb, also like affinity orbs the value that appear on your screen is not the one you pick up for safety reasons, its the one that you input on the box.)
Health Orbs - (exaclty the same as energy orbs and affinity orbs)
Credits - (the value you input into the box is the value per pack you pick on the ground. ex: theres 5 packs in the ground and you set the value to 100, you will pick up 500 credits)
- The hack itself have a few safety features(ex: it attached itself to the game, so closing the game or the hack will terminate each other, the windown name is diferent everytime, etc...)
- The hack is HWID blocked
- You cant have programs like(cheat engine,t-search,etc..) running at the same time as this hack.
- This hack updates itself, unless warframe developers re-write the game, this will be working on every patch.
- NOT USABLE ON WARFRAME x64, untick that option on the game laucher.
- NOT USABLE ON WARFRAME x64, untick that option on the game laucher.
15€ or 19.6831 USD
You click on the link bellow and after a successfully payment your redirected to a website were you can download an application called HWID.
After you have that application on the computer were you want to run the hack you open it input your real email, and click send. That application will send me an email with your email and your HWID. I advise you to send it 2 times, cause sometimes the email takes a long time to arrive to my email.
After that you wait between 1h-24 and i will send to your email the hack itself coded with your own HWID.
Im in no way responsible for what you do with this hack, nor if you get your account banned, theres no refunds, and buying this hack means you accepted this agreement.